The Almonds Are Falling
A demonstration of the strength of the common people here and their creative skills to make work for themselves through marginal but honest activities.
A demonstration of the strength of the common people here and their creative skills to make work for themselves through marginal but honest activities.
Even nature sometimes needs a little help.“Someone” decided to create a support for the branch so it could be successful in its reach to get the sun’s nourishment for the main tree trunk.
Do you practice due diligence? Does the sound of these words prompt a negative or positive reaction ?
Omar is one of the beach workers to whom we community members owe a debt of gratitude.
Persistence is key to being successful in reaching one’s goals. In life, however, not everything happens in a straight line.
How very dreary to start each day with no expectations and with only the thought, “It is what it is”. If one can dream, the thought can change to, “It is what it can be”.
“Patience is a virtue” What is a virtue? Do I have it or not? As I walked along the sand I began to notice things around me that demonstrated ”patience”.
Somewhere between childhood and adulthood, we stopped playing. Can we, should we, reintroduce play into our lives?
May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty, all the days of your life.
When one embarks on a process to declutter, it is with the knowledge that as the old and no longer relevant is discarded, space opens up to permit the entry of the new, and to creative discovery.